another fragmented friday ;-)

Mommy's Idea

another 'friday fragments' has come around!! this week, i am trying to be smart and jot things down as they pop up.... yea, we shall see if this works, ya??
  • i snapped a funny picture on my phone of my 3yr old in a toy cooking pot.  it's this huge thing that i acquired somewhere that i can't fit into a normal kitchen cabinet, so it became a cooking toy.  since this darling boy causes me so much grief at his current phase, it was funny to see him climb himself into a 'hot pot'     i chuckled and sent it out right away ;-)

  • much of my humor will end up coming from our dog.  i would recommend this breed for anyone with small children.  they are very patient with children, they are quite durable with lots of children, and they don't wander off at all.  for instance.... i let the dog out the door to do his thing, herded children down to the school room, got the baby down for nap, and began school.... totally forgetting the dog was still outside.  who knows how much time lapsed, but there he was, wandering around our yard, just waiting to be remembered.  good boy came right when i called him!!!

  • i need to somehow tell mr. george washington carver 'thank you',  we are doing states' history in our homschool, and my son is now bound and determined to list off all 300 uses for the peanut!!!  we have done a few days of this now.... yep, it's just that much fun finding out what on earth to do with peanuts!!!

  • my oldest son breaks my heart a little bit every time he acts grown up!!!  when he was born, i told myself every time he screamed "only 18 more years"... but now, after investing almost 10 years of my life into his, he certainly found a deep root that implanted in my heart, and i have no idea how i am going to deal with his 'wings'.   at lunch he watched me rushing to the espresso machine to turn it on for another caffeine boost, wipe up a messy 3yr old, rush back to the screaming baby to feed him, then said to me "you know mom, i will load the dishwasher for you and clean up after lunch.  i can see you are really busy and i need to learn how to do it anyway.  cause you won't be there to do it for me when i have my own place."    i got all choked up.... you just never know how much a kid will see and hear in your home, so be careful and be thankful when they do happen to be paying attention!!!

  • we had one of those moments in our homeschool classroom this week that just made my week stellar!  we were reading about states' histories, in particular the rocky mountain region.  my oldest is reading and says "the mounty rocky.. (pause) the monty rock.... the roucky monty... UGH!"  i guess it was a 'you have to be there' moment because we all busted up laughing very hard :-)  we all thought it was funny that danny sounded just like mommy!!

  • now today, we are off to get our 'history fix' in.  we were going to hit mount vernon yesterday, but between my hubby's new laptop and children scattered all over the yard/neighborhood/house... we just never made it out the door :-(  so today, i am unplugging everyone and pushing us out.  we do love history, it won't be too hard today :-)  i am looking forward to reading all the fragments when i get back, have a great weekend everyone!!


  1. What a sweet son though to even offer to help... I know it made you sad though the idea that he'll be able to take care of himself one day... but then he can take care of YOU! :)

  2. 1) Danny's comment about cleaning up for you brought tears to my eyes. Praise God ... and to you I say, well done, good and faithful servant.
    2) I've been to Mount Vernon! Highlight of my trip to DC in high school band. Post lots of pics!!

  3. I really love the friendly, warm tone of your fragments :) Your kids sound really sweet and funny.

    I guess you've raised that boy right!

    The Swiss Mountain dog is beautiful!

    Hope you're having a nice weekend...


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