Friday Fragments

Mommy's Ideait is another friday, YAY for friday!!!  i am personally so glad this week is over!  it has been so very hard to be motivated with school (with my head cold, it is just hard to function, really) but after this week we get 2 weeks off with daddy!!! yes, yes, yes!!  so please join Mrs. 4444 and the Friday Fragments Team!  I know I do!

we have a baby that pulls up now!!  things go so quick these days, he just does and learns new things constantly!!  but i can't say enough great things about skype.  i must skype with my mother a couple times a week so she can keep up with him as well.  and i love seeing her interact with my kiddos... okay I LOVE interacting with my mother.

i actually just ran up all the steps in the house from the basement schoolroom all the way to this 2nd story office to find out what the large noise was.  it sounded like one of the kids' dressers had fallen over.  we have had that happen and thankfully no child had been hurt, but the sound was a massive "someone is getting hurt or something large is falling apart" BOOM sound.  as i hit the top steps our large pooch was sitting with his tail tucked closely and those "I'm so sorry mom" looks in his eyes.  then i remembered that i had left him in the office stuck under the chair i had been sitting on to type this morning.  he probably waited till he just could not and simply stood up.... sending the chair baning against our rickety computer desk and sending the chair flying.  nothing broken, but goodness the NOISE!!!

i can hear Bing Crosby singing now!  "it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas"  we have SNOW FALLING TODAY!  yipee!! woohoo!!  yes, yes, i know that most folks don't like snow, and my best friend (along with all the folks in MN and IA) are probably sick of the white stuff by now.... but i still love snow.  i am happy to go scoop it, roll in it, toss it at my children.... white fluffy makes for a happy kay!

my hubby was chiding me on Wordless Wednesday about not getting to see a pic of me... not like he sees me every day anyway, but i thought, all right.  so here you go darling!!!  this is my large fur-baby... when i hit the floor, he knows it's HIS time.

our history curriculum sort of combines social studies and economy along with history.  this week we were learning about capitalism and socialism.  they must have been paying attention because this is what ensued during lunch
  D  "hey guys, want me to juice some of the oranges so we can all have fresh squeezed orange juice?"
  R  & 2Js "sure, yea we want some"
  (juice cone found, juice is made and evenly distributed, then handed out)
  D  "okay guys, i did the work and provided the juice, you all owe me 2 pennies per cup"
(gasps and moans from the younger 3)
  R  "but that is not fair, danny.   MOM!!"
  D  "but mom, i provided the product, i did the work, i should get paid for this service"
(mother gets her giggling under control)
  M  "okay danny, collect your payment and then pay me half of your earnings.  i provided and purchased the oranges so i need to be compensated for my part"
(stunned silence, i love the living life lessons!!!)


  1. Skype was invented just for grandparents!!! :)

    Ahhh - doesnt that "I'm sorry mom" look in fur-babies eyes get you everytime!

  2. Hi! I've hopped onto your blog page and I don't know how but I'm really pleased I ended up here anyway. I've browsed about (didn't leave a mess I hope!) I have added myself as your newest follower on Google Friend Connect...I don't know the difference either but I don't think it matters.
    Please drop by and maybe follow me if you fancy a laugh. I'd be delighted to welcome you.
    Friendly wishes from a festive UK
    Carol from – the blog that gives you laughter lines. (Has that put you off?)

  3. It isn't the snow that I mind. It's the frigid cold temperatures. The older I get, the more I dislike it.

    I keep hearing about Skype, but I haven't used it. My parents live 1000 miles away, and I'm wondering about using it with them.

  4. Who knew orange juice could provide such lessons?


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