kudos to the kids

My children deserve some kudos.  Yesterday was challenging for me.  If any of you have a best friend who lives very far away from you, you will understand.  I put Layni into the airport (we have long ago chosen the curbside drop version, we both have kids and are pretty cheap on those airport parking fees) and by the time I buckled my belt, I had tears flowing down my face.  I am not at all a crier, so my kids kept asking "Mom, are you crying?  Why are you crying?"  My oldest son made me cry harder when he began patting my shoulder and saying "Hey, mom is sad that Aunt Layni just left, she can cry if she wants to!"

We got home just in time for the insanity of feeding 5 hungry kids.  I have found that projects and keeping busy help me the best in these situations.  So the kids and I tackled the house, cleaning it down to the floors.  I also finished the furniture moving that I began to get me through the first week of hubby being gone.  I felt very good by the time supper was getting cleaned up.  Then to top off a great day the older 2 watched Phantom of the Opera with me.  I had put on the soundtrack while we were cleaning to help motivate us all.  The kids found my lip sinking antics very funny.  So I snuggled up to the older ones and we watched the drama unfold, discussed the pull of the Phantom on Christine.... it ended up being a very good day! 

But I still miss Layni terribly!!  She even made me lattes.  NO ONE does that for me!!  It's the little things, you know??


  1. I understand completely! Wow, Danny sure is growing up, he really showed some maturity in how he handled your tears, how sweet!

  2. Aww... I certainly have been there. :( Connor would have done the same thing. What a blessing to have good kids, right? I am glad you had a GREAT time though. Now you need to plan another trip, so you have something to look forward to. :)

  3. How sweet of your dear children-- don't you love how they are able to be sensitive and thoughful like that? It always reminds me that they are people too (not just KIDS!!! that I'm trying to train)


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