When it rains

When it rains it pours, or so the old saying goes.  Jesus warned His disciples that this world was going to hate His followers and that we may suffer here.  Our world is tainted by sin and the effects of the fall of man.  Our bodies are frail now, not the way God created us to be.  When the moments come that remind us of this sinful world and frailties of our human bodies... how do we respond?

My father had a 'minor' episode very early Saturday morning.  After calling the advice nurse, my mother took him straight to the ER.  It was discovered that my father had a minor heart attack.  My Father!!  This is the 60-something man who walks miles every day to delivery mail.  This is the man who actually eats cabbage in his foods and loves salad!!  

And for any little girls out there, this is MY DAD!!  My super hero, the man who swooped down to make all things better, my hero who taught me how to drive, the man who showed me what each tool in his tool box did, the man who sent me little bits of money at college because that was all he could afford to do with my younger sisters still at home... my dad.

He is having an angiogram today and if they find any blockage they will stint it. He is in great spirits and just wants them to unplug him from all his machines so he can go home... that's my dad!

When it rains, it pours.  That is true of our sorrows, but also true of blessings!  God rains blessings and mercy upon His children.  And when we fear, He holds our hands... when it rains, He gives us shelter... Thank you Lord for your mercies and your presence in our lives!!!  And thanks for my dad!!

"So hold me Jesus, cause I am shakin' like a leaf.  You have been King of my Glory, won't you be my Prince of Peace."  Rich Mullins


  1. I'm so sorry... I know my dad has had some health scares lately & it makes you realize how precious a father is... sending prayers for the whole family!!

  2. So sorry to hear this, but we'll be praying! Keep us posted on how everything goes

  3. You know we are already praying, but I'll remind you anyway. Love both of those songs.
    Another one I really like...I'll have to find and email you. The one where the chorus is "Sometimes He calms the storm, with a whisper "Peace, be still" He can settle any sea, but it doesn't mean He will. Sometimes He holds us close, and lets the wind and waves go wild. Sometimes He calms the storm, and other times He calms His child."


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