FF for race fans

What an insane week! We had schooling to do and I sewed a costume for my hubby and then we had to begin the deep cleaning that happens when you invite your church over for a party. I will be reading your fragments, just give me through the weekend to get it done, ok?? I promise I will read them.
I had to make a tough decision, and I am deleting my Fab Foods blog. I have several 'irons in the fire' and one of them had to go. I imported all of the recipes into this blog, so if you care to search for any of the fabulous food I have posted, just look up that tag 'recipe'.
I happen to find Tim Hawkins just too funny!! I happen to have both genders in my house with only one child representing the gals. It's amazing how artistically things can be done by a girl. I love his portrayal of the dancing breakfast routine.
Did you know that October is not just Breast Cancer Awareness month? I was reading this post from My WAHM Plan and she did the leg work of the following list of October causes:
1. National Dental Hygiene Month www.adha.org/ndhm/index.html
Disability Employment Awareness http://www.dol.gov/odep
3. World
Mental Health Day, October 10th- http://www.wfmh.org/wmhday/about.html
World Food Day, October 16th http://www.worldfooddayusa.org/
Stop America's Violence Everywhere Today, October10 http://www.amaalliance.org
Spinal Health Month http://www.allaboutbackandneckpain.com/index.asp
Vegetarian Awareness Month http://www.jhsph.edu/
Primary Care Week, (3rd week) www.strengthforcaring.com
National Health Education Week,October 15 - 19 http://www.nche.org/
10.National Spina
Bifida Awareness Month www.sbaa.org
11.National Family Sexuality
Education Month/Let's Talk http://www.plannedparenthood.org/
Down Syndrome Awareness Month http://www.ndss.org/
13. National
Chiropractic Month http://www.acatoday.org/
14. National
Child Health Day, October 1, http://www.mchb.hrsa.gov/
Celiac Disease Awareness Month http://www.csaceliacs.org/
Mammography Day, National (3rd Friday)http://www.cancer.org/
17. Hispanic
Heritage Month, September 15-October 15 http://www.hispanicheritagemonth.gov
National Cybersecurity month www.microsoft.com/security/resources/cybersecurity.aspx
National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the
Criminalization of a Generation
October 22, 2011 http://www.october22.org/
National Pizza Month, http://www.31daysofpizza.com/
The dividers for your posts are very easy to create. Just type the following code, exchanging the ( for a 'less than' symbol, found above your comma. Replace the ) with a 'greater than' symbol, found above you period. It's the horizontal rule. The color is whatever 6 digit color code you wish to use, the size is the width of the line, and the width is how far across the space you want it to run. I share many tips like this on Techy Tuesday (TT) posts if you want more html fun ;-)
(hr color="#660000" size="3" width="50%" /)
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