FF for race fans

Mommy's IdeaWelcome Fragment fans!! We have lovely weather for the end of the week's races. The first several laps were wild and hairy... but things seem to be ramping up again as we reach the home stretch! Join our race fans at our sponsor's website Half Past Kissin Time and show her your appreciation for hosting this sport!

What an insane week!  We had schooling to do and I sewed a costume for my hubby and then we had to begin the deep cleaning that happens when you invite your church over for a party.  I will be reading your fragments, just give me through the weekend to get it done, ok??  I promise I will read them.

I had to make a tough decision, and I am deleting my Fab Foods blog.  I have several 'irons in the fire' and one of them had to go.  I imported all of the recipes into this blog, so if you care to search for any of the fabulous food I have posted, just look up that tag 'recipe'.

I happen to find Tim Hawkins just too funny!!  I happen to have both genders in my house with only one child representing the gals.  It's amazing how artistically things can be done by a girl.  I love his portrayal of the dancing breakfast routine.

Did you know that October is not just Breast Cancer Awareness month?  I was reading this post from My WAHM Plan and she did the leg work of the following list of October causes:

1. National Dental Hygiene Month www.adha.org/ndhm/index.html
2.National Disability Employment Awareness http://www.dol.gov/odep
3. World Mental Health Day, October 10th- http://www.wfmh.org/wmhday/about.html
4. World Food Day, October 16th http://www.worldfooddayusa.org/
5. Stop America's Violence Everywhere Today, October10 http://www.amaalliance.org
7.National Vegetarian Awareness Month http://www.jhsph.edu/
8.National Primary Care Week, (3rd week) www.strengthforcaring.com
9. National Health Education Week,October 15 - 19 http://www.nche.org/
10.National Spina Bifida Awareness Month www.sbaa.org
11.National Family Sexuality Education Month/Let's Talk http://www.plannedparenthood.org/
12.National Down Syndrome Awareness Month http://www.ndss.org/
13. National Chiropractic Month http://www.acatoday.org/
14. National Child Health Day, October 1, http://www.mchb.hrsa.gov/
15.National Celiac Disease Awareness Month http://www.csaceliacs.org/
16. Mammography Day, National (3rd Friday)http://www.cancer.org/
17. Hispanic Heritage Month, September 15-October 15 http://www.hispanicheritagemonth.gov
19. National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation
October 22, 2011 http://www.october22.org/
20. National Pizza Month, http://www.31daysofpizza.com/

The dividers for your posts are very easy to create.  Just type the following code, exchanging the ( for a 'less than' symbol, found above your comma.  Replace the ) with a 'greater than' symbol, found above you period.  It's the horizontal rule.  The color is whatever 6 digit color code you wish to use, the size is the width of the line, and the width is how far across the space you want it to run.  I share many tips like this on Techy Tuesday (TT) posts if you want more html fun ;-)

(hr color="#660000" size="3" width="50%" /)

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