TT Alignment
You can align you text the way you want it to be. I find this very useful when I have images or videos that I want centered and Blogger won't do it.
To center something in your posting, click on the HTML tab above and to your left. When you place the embed code or image code into your posting, you will need to put this in front of your image/video:
To center something in your posting, click on the HTML tab above and to your left. When you place the embed code or image code into your posting, you will need to put this in front of your image/video:
(<) center (>)
It is important that you also 'close' the image code with this:
(<) /center (>)
Please note the forward slash. This lets the coding know that you have completed the command you wish for it to do. If you happen to forget this part, you will find that Blogger will make it look really funny and include it into your posting or widget.
You can also move your blog name and description the same way. Fin the heading section in the HTML portion of the template tab. You will see this:
.Header h1 {
font: $(header.font);
color: $(header.text.color);
text-shadow: 0 0 $(title.shadow.spread) #000000;
The bold section is what I added to get my blog title to whatever alignment I want it to be. Sometimes with a color scheme or theme it looks best centered, sometimes it would look best on the right or left.
Written by,
very useful tip! when I do my poems, sometimes it just won't centre the lines correctly. this will come in very handy - thanks!