Weekend Away

I have been working hard at trying to find someone to keep our kids for us so we can have a night away for our anniversary coming up.  We have many sweet friends here who happen to also have busy schedules and so the time away still has not been hammered out.  I almost hate the search because I know our friends from church WANT to do this for us... it's just a busy time of year for families.

Which leads into my memory for today.  I remember that last time we had a weekend away from our children.  It was back in 2008 when we were stationed at Bragg in NC.  My friend Andrea assaulted me at chapel Sunday morning.  (hey, A, my memory, I get to tell it my way ;-)

She told me that she knew Ben was leading a marriage retreat at Myrtle Beach and she thought she should come over and keep our 4 small children, along with our very active boxer puppy, and let us go alone.  I was floored!!  We had flown my sister and my niece out for such a break away earlier that year and we really had settled in our m minds that it would be a very long time till we have a break from kids.  We excitedly took her offer and had a great weekend away.  Well, we tried.  I got a bit ill and hubby caught some bad food, but we got to be ill on a hotel bed alone together with the sounds of the ocean out our balcony.  That's the way to be sick, I tell you!!!

Our friends at church with teenagers tell us that in a few years we will turn that corner and actually have time for ourselves.  We can hang on, but when you have a house full of little ones, the time away is very precious and quite necessary :-)  We love our kids, we really do.  But time for mommy and daddy is very important so we can continue being a team and lead our young family with positive attitudes ;-)

OK, this will not be the last time I get a memory wrong.  I am a bit famous in my family for not remembering things the way most other folks do.  I just missed a call from Andrea from Germany (big sob here!!! i hate potty breaks!!) I got this memory wrong. 

When my sister April came out, we went to Myrtle Beach.  When Andrea stayed with the kids we went to Ashville, NC to a B&B to walk through the Biltmore Mansion.  No photoshop required, we were really there and it is a must see for anyone nearby.  Truly an amazing house and grounds!!!  Oh and I never shared this part!!  We love B&B's for the breakfast, but I will never forget our table mate that morning.  The WWE wrestler 'The Edge".  Like a true idiot, I had no idea who we actually was.  I believe he was very thankful that we didn't.  We all had a good laugh at our ignorance and the conversation was quite enjoyable and 'normal' for him.  What a riot, huh??

biltmore estate

hammock on the BB lawn

sunflowers on the estate

Would you like to share a memory with us?  Please feel free to link in and share things from your past.  Or simply enjoy mine ;-)


<a href=" http://tettelestai.blogspot.com/" target="_blank"><img src=" http://i129.photobucket.com/albums/p212/tettelestai/Decorated%20images/blgospot2-1-2.jpg" alt="Memory Lane" width="125" height="125" /></a>

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