Happy Birthday Boys!
Today is a special day in our home, twice over! We have 2 birthday on the same day... isnt' that amazing??
On this day, 35 years ago, an enlisted Army wife entered the hospital to give birth to her first-born. It was a boy, with blond hair, green eyes, and a huge grin. His folks were amazed at his early speaking skills and the quick wit he developed early on. He enjoyed sports, but his real love was playing war in the woods.... or tormenting his little brothers ;-)
This boy grew into an active teen and when his father retired from the military, moved back to their home state of Iowa. I met the 15yr old when he walked into my Sunday School classroom. We did high school together and even though we weren't friends, we became Chemistry partners because he had chosen to hide behind the girl who sat up-right in class.... easy to sleep behind ;-)
He graduated high school early to enlist in the Army Rangers. He returned that Christmas and asked me to lunch. We hit it off, having both grown a bit after school.... and the rest is history ;-)

Happy Birthday sweetheart! Thank you for being my husband, for providing for our family, for convincing me that a large family is OK, for leading this large herd with me, for all the time you try to 'joke' me out of my bad mood, for being so great with babies, for looking amazing in both a beard and a uniform, for being soft-hearted, for being the PERFECT husband for me, and for loving God with your whole heart!! Happy 35th Baby, I love you!!

Fast forward 24 years!! Our first-born son was about to be born! He had thought about coming for 2 full days before I finally got him out. He was not a great sleeper, and still isn't. He was a thinker, engineer, schemer all rolled into one. He grew to be a typical first-born: in charge, full of knowledge, but soft hearted.

This boy grew into an active teen and when his father retired from the military, moved back to their home state of Iowa. I met the 15yr old when he walked into my Sunday School classroom. We did high school together and even though we weren't friends, we became Chemistry partners because he had chosen to hide behind the girl who sat up-right in class.... easy to sleep behind ;-)
He graduated high school early to enlist in the Army Rangers. He returned that Christmas and asked me to lunch. We hit it off, having both grown a bit after school.... and the rest is history ;-)

Thank you, Danny, for being a strong leader, for pitching in (especially when Daddy is away), thank you for playing with the baby, for wanting to learn to cook, for being my right hand, and for your tender heart! May God continue to build in you a heart after His, may He bring a great wife to you, may you continue to grow in the knowledge and admonition of the Lord! I love you, kiddo!
To be doubly-blessed....awesome. Sweet post.