Thankful it's Friday

Mommy's IdeaHowdy Friday! Oh so glad to get through this week!!  We brought home a snoggy cold from our Midwest trip.  So we are blowing through the kleenex (pun intended) quite literally.

Holy cow, what a week!!  I just didn't feel like getting back into any groove let alone driving my young herd into a groove again!!  So our homeschooling was a bit rocky, but our Wednesday was fantastic with a field trip to Maryland Science Center.  You can read more about at C2C.

While in Iowa last week, one of my little quirks came out in force.  I like birds, I enjoy watching them trot around and fly.  In fact my fascination with birds caused my very first car accident.  Anyway, out the back door of my BIL's house are woods and flitting about those woods for our entire visit was a bright male cardinal and a bright male blue jay.  If I was sitting at the kitchen table looking out the deck door, I was just no good for conversation.  I caught myself slipping out of conversation or interrupting to say "oh look, birds!"

Last night I had a total 'mommy scare'.  My 18month boy is a climber and I knew it was just a matter of time before he would fall.  I was just hoping he would fall that first time over carpet.  He was trying to climb into his play yard thing in the basement when his footie jammies slipped and he tumbled a foot onto the cement floor of the basement.  The other kids didn't think anything of it till they investigated the drop of red paint on the floor near where Noah fell.  Then the screaming started.
"Mom, mom, bleeding emergency!!"
Noah got a little robin's egg on the back of his head that was bleeding nicely.  Noah wasn't even crying!!  We got it wiped off, determined it was not needing stitches, but we did all the 'concussion' protocol since of course... it was just before bedtime!!

Our flash back this Friday is from the crash test dummies!!  One of the many cruising songs from my teen years ;-)


  1. I love that clip from Up and "Squirrel!"  I'm glad your little guy was okay. I remember when my little guy launched himself out of the crib. Not fun.

  2. Oh, boys!
    Glad your little one is okay, though.
    I've got at 21 month old who is a major dare devil, and it freaks me out sometimes!

  3. Ha, Crash Test Dummies.  Brings back memories!

    I have an 18 month old, and he hasn't gotten a bleeding injury yet outside his mouth.  Both my kids had bloody mouths a couple of times when they were little from falling.  I'm glad your guy's okay!

  4. Thank you!  I can't help but jump now each time he tries to climb things... and he is still climbing everything!

  5. Oh those boys sure freak their mommies out!! My 4yr old has no fear!

  6. Thank you, me too! We had a couple busted lips last year, those mouths sure do bleed!

  7. Sorry about your baby boy, awww, hope he's okay. I did the writing test thing too and don't write like anybody famous.. well, except myself. Hee!!

  8. I'm glad Noah's okay.

    Great Gma 4444 used had a funny way of distracting crying children. It never worked, but she always tried, "Look! Look over there! What a pretty birdy!" (where there was no bird) Cracked me up every time.

    Thanks for linking up! Have a great weekend.  

  9. It would have totally worked with me!! "Did you say bird?"

  10. That is funny!! I didn't know my author at first.


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