I am thankful, really ;-)

  I am thankful for many things this week, even though it may not look like it.  This week has been tense, painful, and humbling.  I am actually thankful for the reminders that God is on His throne and I have many blessings for which to be thankful about :-)

I am thankful for another birthday, I really don't care that I am middle 30's now.

I am thankful for a husband who loves making my birthday special.  He loves me.  That is awesome!!!

I am thankful for the kids who made gifts for me, cards for me, and raced to be the first one to tell me "happy birthday".  That makes my heart pitter pat ;-)

I am thankful that God does not allow me to focus on myself for too long.  I can't imagine how 'ugly' I would be if I could truly be self centered, long term.  My sisters might remember what that looks like ;-)

I am thankful that my folks work very hard at making me feel loved and special from 5 states away.

I am thankful for sisters who forgave me for being 'me' when we all lived at home, and they are actively involved in my life.

I am thankful for the piggy birthday card my dad sent this year.  I collect pigs, and having one give my birthday greeting just puts a smile on my face... every time :-)

I am thankful for the time I had last night with my oldest after he confessed something to me.  I am thankful for not over reacting and for God giving me the words my son needed to hear, along with "I still love you."


  1. That's a good list; I like it.

  2. Awesome list!! I love it when God put the words in our mouth and helps control our actions. :)

    1. Me too, I needed Him for this one!! I didn't want to react and close doors in the future with my son.

  3. This is a wonderful list. I love when we can look back at something, like your time with your oldest and feel as though you handled it well.

    We also celebrated birthdays, here this week!! Out of curiosity, which day was yours? Piper's is the 6th and mine the 8th.


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