HS New World Colonies: Jamestown

In life this week...

I had another appt with the Occupational Therapist this week. We took all those joint measurements for my wrist. Some were very good, some were not. So I have to ramp some up, using weights now, and this morning I woke up to a very sore arm. Yes, mom, I probably did over do it. Were you guys aware that you will be a mother your whole lives??  My mother is, and I am steadily becoming my mother ;-) Hahahaha

http://hammocktracks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/savannahbutton2.pngI love interacting with other HS mothers, have I mentioned this? I love to hear about technique or new ideas for tackling tough subjects. The HMJ is a very fun link, but have you guys looked into Hammock Tracks at all? Whenever I link in to that, I am guaranteed to have folks to chat with. I just wanted to suggest this for folks who may never get a single visitor through the HMJ link party.


This week in homeschool...

In history, we have been studying the Tudor Dynasty in England as it transitions to the Stuart Dynasty. Ah such drama inside the royals of 16th-17th Century. We have also been studying the religious persecution of the era and how that all led to the Colonization of the New World. I find it quite fascinating the differences in motivation for colonizing the New World.

We actually spent time in Jamestown this past May before moving from the East Coast, but alas, I cannot find the pictures. I just love history!!! I love it so much I have a History Hunting database of sorts on my blog :-) If you have any posts to contribute, please do so.

I have also implemented a few new rules this semester.
  1. I supply the initial pencil for the student. If the student loses that pencil, they can purchase a new pencil from the teacher (who finds them all over the house!) for a quarter. The student must either pay for the new pencil out of their wages or do a chore for the new pencil. It is helping me buy lattes and it has kept pencils off the floor all week :-)
  2. Three subjects must be completed before there are snack requests. Honestly, these kids are eating tons of food right now.
I have added more App Love to my page. If you have reviewed an app and would like to share it, please consider doing so. I have been searching for a good app to help my son, who is dyslexic, read better.

Links to share...

The books we read this week were:
EXCELLENT RESOURCE!! Large book, but the book is broken down into small tales, focusing on individuals who helped to Colonize America. I love this book because it hits every key player we have been studying in Tapestry of Grace! I can't believe it was only $.99 on the Kindle!
This book has wonderful conversation chapters
allowing you to get to know famous people of history
we read about: Desiderius Erasmus, Martin Luther, 
John Calvin, Catherine Parr, John Knox, and William Bradford
  • Jamestown: a history just for kids
    • Ch 1-What led up to the Jamestown settlement
    • Ch 2-Why did they settle in Jamestown
    • Ch 3-What happened at the Jamestown settlement
    • Ch 4-What was it like to be a kid in Jamestown
    • Ch 5-How did the Jamestown settlement end
    • What happened after the Jamestown settlement ended
    • Conclusion: the need for good leaders, the need to work together, need to respect foreign nations
 This is a delightful book about a young girl who rode on the Mayflower
My daughter loved this book!
Easy to read chapters, easy to understand content
my 5th and 6th graders loved this book

The free movies we watched were:
Does use the word "damnation"
cartoon animation,
 part of the Animated Hero Classics series
only 25 min long
he was the second Governor of Plymouth Colony
Youtube video series
relationship between English Elizabeth and Mary of Scotland
does mention the word rape
6 parts

As always, this entire series is a great historic look through the English monarchy.
And that British accent is just way too fun to listen to ;-)

All these links can be found in the History Hunting database above.
Kay’s Little Korner

Funny image to share...

Linking in with ...

http://hammocktracks.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/savannahbutton2.png http://www.ihomeschoolnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/THSMJbutton.jpg


  1. I love your pencil rule!

    1. Thank you :-) It only took me 7 months to figure it out, hahahahahaha

  2. i love your history lessons! i have been saying for years i want to study more history and here you are! they say blessing come in many ways, who would have thought blogging was gonna be a blessing for me in more ways than one! aloha, angi in hana

    1. Oh we love history around here!!!

  3. Oh, I love it! I'm gonna do that with our pencils! It seems like I'm forever finding them around the house...and in the oddest places...and not in the pencil caddy when we need them! Some mornings start out with a search around the house for all the new pencils I put out the day before!

    1. Oh I know it!!! So crazy! I find them in the pantry, in with the gloves, just on the floor.. I got tired of fussing over it and so I came up with this system. I have already earned a latte out of the deal and had 2 cupboards wiped out ;-) My oldest doesn't leave his pencil anywhere anymore. He tucks it into his book shelf ;-) Woohoo, they can be taught!!!

  4. I have no idea why homeschooled can lose their pencils so fast. My 2 (Jacob 10 and Issac 9) lose more pencils in a week than I did in a month of private school. Go Figure!

  5. Thanks for that wonderful plug...I love checking out your posts. I hope you'll return to Its a Wrap today.


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