HMJ: Exploring/Colonizing Canada
In our lives this week...
Life has been flying by here. We do cross country ski team here in Alaska, so that is twice a week. On top of that we have had several activities with both military and church groups. Finally, 2x a week for occupational therapy. So I have hardly had a chance to put this post together for final publication. Did ya miss me? ;-) Hahahaha.We have had a full week of snow falling. Woohoo! I know some of you are tired of all the snow that was dumped on you this past week, but we just can't get enough of it.
We have a mama moose and her twins who traipse through our yard with regularity now. New rule: when stepping outside, scan the yard. Even my hubby does it in the morning when it is still dark. Moose are VERY protective of their young!! You can turn down the volume and avoid listening to our silly commentary ;-)
In homeschool this week...
We have been studying the 13 Colonies in school. From the failed attempt at Roanoke to the settling of Pennsylvania as a private land grant from King Charles II, we have studied America's Colonization. This has been such a fascinating period of history. Many different groups Colonizing for many different reasons.We also began our study of composers with Johann Sebastian Bach. Having his music playing behind our schooling has been pretty relaxing and fun.
Books we read:
- King Philip's War
- This was a Kindle book for $4.95
- Lovely and easy to read historic book filled with facts about the war
- This Country of Ours
- This book is amazing, even if I have promoted it before, I will do so again ;-)
- The book contains small chapters with easy to read, conversational bios focused on the Colonization of our country!!!
- It was only $.99 on the Kindle
- The Courage of Sarah Noble
- The Nobles head into the uknown of our country to pioneer
- Sarah befriends the Natives in her wilderness community
- This book was $4.27 on the Kindle
- The Picture Book of Patrick Henry
- from the library
- The Illustrated Lives of Founding Fathers
- this was free to borrow for Prime members

The videos we watched this week:
- Fantastic video series about Samuel de Champlain exploring Hudson Bay and making an alliance with the Native people.
- For that matter, the entire series would be amazing for Canadian history
- History channel has a great biography on Louis XIV
- warning: Louis's brother Phillip was believed to be homosexual, this is mentioned in the biography
- Biography of Benjamin Franklin
- French Indian War: Major George Washington, War Documentary
Sam arrived |
Noah thinks we got him a doll!!! |
Sam rests high above toddler reach ;-) |
Sam saw a moose in our yard! |
We are cooking...
I realized a few months ago that I hadn't tried any new recipes in a very long time! So I chose for this month not to repeat a cooked meal for 30 days. This does not include left over night, because a crew this size must do leftovers or the grocery budget would be insanely high :-( I had fun with it, pinned my favorites. Here they are:
Links to share...
I am still promoting the free, online typing curriculum Typing Club! It is still free and I explain why I love the program in a post dedicated to Typing Club for homeschool.
I also was able to realize a lifelong dream from my childhood....I got to see the start of the Iditarod Dog Sled Race!! You can read about that if you click on the link. Alaskans sure know how to 'tailgate' on a frozen lake!!!
I also was able to realize a lifelong dream from my childhood....I got to see the start of the Iditarod Dog Sled Race!! You can read about that if you click on the link. Alaskans sure know how to 'tailgate' on a frozen lake!!!
I am praying for...
A dear friend of mine, Sarah, who miscarried her 5th baby in her 5th month. There are times I really hate being so far away from my friends :-(
Linking in with:

We enjoyed the Moose video this morning! Wow, Danny's voice has gotten deep!
ReplyDeleteThe kids were fascinated. Jack wants to know if you ever see the Alaska State Troopers. He LOVES that show. ;)
Tell Jack that we do actually know a Trooper, have had them over for supper and gone sledding together. I will try to get a pic of him in uniform for him asap :-)