strengths and weaknesses

has anyone ever taken that personality quiz by Jung and Briggs Meyers?  What personality are you?

all chaplain wives get to take this test while we are having our 'wives classes' just before our chaplain's graduate from chaplain school at Fort Jackson, SC.  it enjoyed taking the test because my undergrad is psychology/counseling.  i had high hope at one time to get my masters in Neuthetic Counseling and become a Biblical Counselor at the church my hubby would be working in.  but alas, we now have 5 children and God has led me to homeschool them for the time being... i have not time to finish a degree.

after talking with my mother today about my personality, i started thinking about it in general terms.  and our personalities are a gift from God, right along side the strengths and weaknesses that go along with our given personalities.  i am a first born, control wanting, intensely driven, natural leader. this personality (from my own experience) has many pros and cons!!!

Pros: i am a leader, i can hold lines, i can take hills, i self motivate fairly well, and when i meet a challenge, i take it head on with the intent to beat the challenge SOUNDLY.   my dad's favorite story relating to my personality was when i was learning to drive.  my father's philosophy was that to learn to drive meant you will learn on a stick shift first.  you master that, you can be allowed to drive.  sitting on a hill (yep, a hill, mind you) in my father's standard trans truck, playing with the clutch to 'drive' up the hill from a dead stop.  i was of course rolling back or choking the truck to death ;-0   my father recalls that i gripped the steering wheel of that truck, gritted my teeth and said "i can DO this!"    leadership is good, leadership is necessary.

Cons:  leaders are guided and driven by something.  what drives and motivates the leader will often determine the outcome of the followers and can eventually lead to the downfall of the actual leader.  when i really didn't care what the bible said or what Christ said about leaders.... i was a bear, and overbearing in a dictatorial sense.  just ask my sisters.  they will gladly tell you all about my pre-christian leadership styles.  that is when my personality type is bad.  when we don't care about the people following, when we are leading for personal gain or for simple power/control reasons, we can be very hurtful as a person.

praise be to God for opening my eyes and helping me to recognize my personality type and how, with the Holy Spirit, i can lead people to the cross.  i can be very loving in my strength, my weaknesses of personality are fine tuned and filed down by the true leadership of Christ.  so what is your personality type?  what strengths and weaknesses are involved with it?  how could allowing the Holy Spirit refine or fine tune your personality type to further the kingdom of God??  what a great study for us all today, yes?? ;-)


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