TT: formatting, poems, marquee
Format Codes
These are some easy tags to make your text stand out for whatever reason. Don't forget to 'close' the portion of playful text with the / inside the symbols. Please replace each ( with the 'less than' symbol and replace each ) with 'greater than'. (b) this creates bold print (/b)
(big) this creates big lettering (/big)
(em) this is for emphasis (/em)
(i) whereas this is for italics (/i)
(sub) this is for subscript (/sub)
(sup) this is for superscript (/sup)
(ins) this is for
This little coding will allow you to have indented, or hanging indented, sentences. Perfect for poems in posts.
(dt)Definition Term(/dt>
(dd)Definition of the term(/dd)
(dt)Definition Term(/dt)
(dd)Definition of the term(/dd) (/dl)
(dt)Definition Term(/dt>
(dd)Definition of the term(/dd)
(dt)Definition Term(/dt)
(dd)Definition of the term(/dd) (/dl)
It looks like this:
- Definition Term
- Definition of the term
- Definition Term
- Definition of the term
For a marquee, or rolling text, the code would be:(marquee bg color="ccffff" loop="-1" scrollamount="2" width="100%">Example
You don't need a background color, but it helps the text stand out. The loop determines how many times the text goes by, -1 being indefinate. The scrollamount determines how fast the words move across the section. Width being the distance the text will travel across a space. Example: